Essay On Technology In The Twentieth Century

616 Words3 Pages
I believe that living in the twentieth century is not as dangerous as people believe. To justify this I am going to argue three key points involving significant advances in technology, science and education. Technology is constantly evolving. Technology has enabled people all around the world to do things that they would have never imagined. Technology has made the world a much safer place because we have been able to install security cameras and alarms in shops, car parks, and roads to prevent crime and to help police in identifying and convicting criminals. Technology has allowed the everyday student/office worker a lot easier by making fast internet and making quicker laptops. Another positive is we have been able to install more airbags, reverse cameras and made the overall car a lot safer for the everyday…show more content…
The advances have been that people are a lot more intelligent than before because the government is making it compulsory to stay in school for longer and by giving students more choices of what subjects they want to do and by giving students more of a choice if they don’t want to go to school they can go to Tafe or do a vet course or a apprenticeship. Also people are being taught that war is not always the answer and that we should try and talk instead of going to war like we have done in the past. Also we have put a lot of money into the health and lifestyle of people to give them a better understanding of their lifestyle and how they live compared to how you should live. We have also put a lot of money into the science/medicine area which have allowed us to get a better understanding of other living things and have given us a inside look to the human body and how our body works. Also a lot more resources have become available to us for example the internet has millions of sites and you can search just about anything and it will come up with a result, also more books have become more available to the

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