Living Alone and Living with Your Parrents

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Name: Ahmad Wali Date: June 2, 2014 Living with your parents and living on your own, particularly when you are a university student, is like living on two different planets. According to many aspects such as freedom, emotional and financial instabilities and a lack of free time, living with your parents and living on your own have their own advantages and disadvantages. The best element about living away from home is that you have more freedom. You can set your own rules, stay up late, invite friends to your place and arrive home whenever you want. Although a parent-free environment is amazing, you need to be mature enough to handle it; the negative consequence is that you may feel homesick. At medicine school in neurology I learned that if people live with their family they get higher mental health score than living alone. There are some other emotional drawbacks that you may miss the moments that you used to share with your family, even your bedroom, and your neighbourhood. Another disadvantage is that you will have to pay your own bills, your rent and buy your own food which will definitely affect you in the financial aspect. Finally, you will have less free time for studying and other activities, as you will spend more time doing laundry, cleaning the house and dishes all by yourself. In contrast, living at home can be overwhelming because you always have to obey rules, your parents will control you most of the time, yet this can be benefit because being strict may prevent you from bad events such as alcoholism, drugs and so forth. The positive consequence about emotional is that the family can support you when you need them and cheer you up. Furthermore, you can save a lot of money because you don’t have to pay rent neither do you have to buy your own food since your parents will do that. Finally, you will have more free time; your mother
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