Little Rock 9 Common Writing Assignment

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In 1957, the Little Rock 9 walked into Central high school for the first time.They were nervous it was their first time going to a school with white people,their goal was to integrate central high.These 9 black students might have never stepped into an integrated high school if it wasnt for the decisions that were made at the supreme court like the Brown v. Board.Therefore the Warren Court,the 14th amendment,and the Brown v. Board court case deserve to be remembered because without them desegregation would have never happened. The Warren Court played an important role in the desegregation of the united states.The Warren Court made some of the most dramatic changes in judicial power and expanded civil rights and liberties.Chief Earl Warren ended school segregation in america and declared that the segregated bus system in Montgomery,AL was unconstitutional (51).This means that without Earl Warren segregation in America would still be happening.Jim crow laws would still exist and colored people would still be discriminated and they would have no equality.Therefore he should be honored for his dramatic actions which affected many people positively.Also the Warren court barred racial discrimination in voting,marriage laws,use of public parks,airports and housing (51).This gave black people more rights and freedom.Without the Warren Court there will be limited freedom,unfair treatment towards the black people.In conclusion the Warren Court should be commemorated for the dramatic changes they had on black people’s lives. The 14th amendment was a big part of desegregation and it should be remembered.the 14th amendment was adopted on july 9, 1868 as one of the reconstruction amendments.It states that “any state shall not deprive any person of life,liberity,or property without due process of law,nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of
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