Little Bee Essay

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Little Bee Questions This novel has two narrators: Little Bee (odd numbered chapters) and Sarah (even numbered chapters). The events from chapter to chapter are not in regular chronological order; they sometimes jump around, so read carefully! Chapter 1 – Little Bee 1. Describe Little Bee, both physically and psychologically. What information does she reveal about herself? Where is she? Do you have sympathy for her? Why (not)? 2. Why does she wish she were a British pound coin? 3. Who is she talking to? 4. Why does she keep mentioning “the girls back home”? 5. Who does Little Bee call? Why? Why might he be angry? 6. Who are Little Bee’s companions? How did they all get out? 7. Is the ending of this chapter optimistic? Why (not)? Read carefully. 8. Jot down any other thoughts and reactions to this chapter. Chapter 2 – Sarah 1. Describe Sarah, both physically and psychologically. What information does she reveal about herself? Where is she? Do you have sympathy for her? Why (not)? 2. Describe her husband (Andrew). What has happened to him? 3. Describe her son (Charlie/Batman). Why does he want to be Batman? 4. What unusual thing did she lose in Nigeria? 5. What explains Sarah cold reaction to the news of her husband? 6. What did Charlie do at his father’s funeral? Why? Who gets him out? 7. Sarah, Andrew and Charlie all have a distinct private self and a public self. Describe them. 8. Jot down any other thoughts and reactions to this

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