Literary Analysis of "The Welcome Table" by Alice Walker

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Literary Analysis of “The Welcome Table” by Alice Walker Chauntel M Smith Eng 125: Introduction to Literature 08 September 2013 Alice Walker who wrote the short story “The Welcome Table” had problems with race and gender that was the center of her social activism. This short story was powerful about an aged stricken elderly woman who had wondered upon a chapel’s step to hear the word of God before experience death, and how this elderly woman who had worked for some of these Caucasian families throughout her years who spoke unkind words about her being there at the church. But toward the end of this elderly woman’s life she wondered in a white affiliated church where she simply was not wanted there, as well as the church congregation couldn’t understand why she was there in the first place. She was asked to leave numerous times, by the pastor and even the ushers but she ignored the request as to say “let me be”. In this story the plot and the point of view shows symbolism of this elderly woman’s death, and how white church members look at this woman. A bit later in the story it tells of the elderly woman being approach by Jesus walking down the highway. Giving great details on Jesus appearance what he was carrying and how he was walking. It was just how she imagined Jesus to look like, as well as how he would be dressed once seen in person. The woman actually symbolizes his appearance much to what she knew of a picture of him hanging over her bed. He had come to take her to “The Welcome Table. This woman had looked for Jesus her entire life and the time had finally come for him to bring her home to the promise land, something she already knew was real and someday she would witness for herself. In the beginning as a reader I didn’t quite understand why she was there and what was actually going on with this woman. So it really didn’t draw my attention, however

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