Life Being Hard

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Joshua Hunter Instructor Michael Treanor English 111-D15B 23 September 2013 Life Being Hard Many of us come to a point in life where we feel like giving up with our lives, we feel confused and hopeless and we ask ourselves, “Why does life have to be so hard?” As we continue getting older over the course of time, we experience a lot in life like, love, career, family, friends, and etc. While learning new things, life becomes more and more complicated. From a baby who doesn’t care about anything, we grow into children and first learn how to dream. Then we become teenagers, trying new things and wanting to know everything there is in life and then we become adults, which is a very crucial point in life when we begin to develop childhood dreams and turn them into reality. Life is not hard. It’s just complicated due to a lot of choices that come along our way. The choices we make define our future and our life. The more we make them, the more complicated life gets, which we begin to feel like sometimes life is so hard. “Life is what you make it”. There are some people who enjoy life while there are others who don’t. Some are thankful while some are in pain and are trying to find a way out there horrible life. Life’s hardship is something to be thankful for. There are a lot of people out there who experience a lot in life. Some people just need to understand that this is reality. After all those hardships there can only be two results, it’s either one learns from them and upgrade oneself or drown in frustration and self pity and become a loser in life. Life depends on one’s perspective. One can either look at it as something scary or painful or one can see it as something challenging and amazing. Always remember that without these ‘tough roads’ that we experience, life wouldn’t be satisfying and meaningful. We only have one life to live so live it to the
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