Liberalism V. Fascism

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Liberalism v. Fascism Shawna Sirianni Hawaii Pacific University Abstract On the surface, few political ideals could be further apart than liberalism and fascism. One is centered upon a totalitarian government that controls nearly every aspect of life, while the other seeks to edify the individual and provide equal opportunity for all. Looking deeper however, we find that the motivations for each ideal are similar, even though their means of achieving their desired outcomes are quite different. Liberals and fascists seem to have little in common. Liberalism promotes equity and opportunity for the individual while fascism is all about the greater good and support of the establishment. When we look closer however, we begin to see a good many similarities. Both are reactionary ideologies, coming about as a response to some sort of perceived flaw in the current socioeconomic system. Explanation: Liberalism found its beginnings as a reactionary ideal to the feudalistic inequities of medieval Europe. During this time period, religious conformity and ascribed status dictated where and how a person was to live and what they could do with their lives. Whether a person was born into serfdom or nobility, there was nothing he could do to alter his circumstances. The only exception to this rigid social order was the church. Religious positions were open to all, but came with very strict rules such as vows of poverty and chastity. So if a man had any desire for a wife or family, a clerical life was out of the question. Though there was a sort of soft unrest against feudalism during the Medieval Age, it wasn’t until after the Renaissance that liberalism became known as an ideology in and of itself. After the plague swept through Europe, killing off one third of the population, significant gaps were left in social structure. This presented
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