Letter To Munroe Research Paper

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To the Munroe’s, I would like to thank you all for responding to my letter and wish I could explain as to how sorry I am for what I did. I think to my self constantly, what If I didn’t drink so much? What if I didn’t get behind the wheels? What If I just stopped being myself for that one night? Things might have been so much more different. I’ve taken away two of my best friends life’s and have my cousin injured for the rest of his life. I have not only stolen a teenager from their youth but also the love they shared for their loved ones and a future never to be discovered. How can I look at my family and friends the same way? These are just some of the questions I ask myself everyday waking up from horrific dreams. I guess understanding the pain your family is going through one cannot truly comprehend. I have stolen the relationship a mother and father once had with their children, and in doing so I am paying the ultimate price.…show more content…
I made a mistake and from this tragic accident it has made me a better and stronger person, we all make mistakes, and we all learn from them and have to suffer the consequences. All though I am a man on the outside I am also a trapped teenager with thoughts and feelings that I cannot erase for the rest of my life. I am writing, explaining that I am trying to understand your pain and so that your family understands my pain. How ever I am not writing this letter as a sign of weakness but instead evolving and trying to become what I never was as a man or a boy. Daniel

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