Lebanese Migration Essay

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History- Lebanese migration post World War II Inquiry questions What were the different waves of migration post WWII? The first wave post WWII was between 1947 - 1976 which brought over about 43,000 Lebanese settlers. The second, and last, main wave of migration was between 1976 - 1990 at the outbreak and span of the civil war in Lebanon. Did Lebanese people have any difficulties with finding employment? Many Lebanese people found jobs in factories or business’ owned by their community members. Others started their own small business’, opening milk bars, garages, manufacturing clothes or furniture, or driving taxis. They worked hard, earned money, and didn't have much trouble in improving their situations. Were Lebanese people free to practice their religion? As multiculturalism was being encouraged post WWII, Lebanese people were free to practice their religions. Sunni mosques were established in both Melbourne and Sydney, as many of the new arrivals were Muslims. Migrants usually formed community groups with others of the same religious affiliations or village associations. How quickly and easily did Lebanese migrants assimilate into Australian society? Once in Australia, Lebanese people didn't have much trouble fitting into society as most learned English fairly quickly and attained jobs. Some were encouraged to integrate. Apart from some racial debarks, Lebanese migrants were generally accepted. Did Lebanese migrants have any assisted passage(s) from the Australian government? The first wave of migrants came by themselves, most without assisted passage. Many of the second wave migrants came under the Australian Government's Special Humanitarian Program. They weren't classified as refugees and this allowed (people) who had close Australian connections and whose lives and safety were threatened by the war, entry to
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