- Learning Outcome 1. Understand Why Effective Communication Is Important in the Work Place 1.1 Identify the Different Reasons People Communicate.

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1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate. Many people communicate every day without giving this a second thought, possibly not even realising they are doing so. There are many reasons why people communicate, they could do so to build and maintain relationships with family, friends, peers and others or to share or gain information. To socialise, express thoughts, ideas, feelings and needs. To gain reassurance and acknowledgment. Communication comes in many different forms from vocal, facial expressions, body language to physical and electronic communication. These are generalised as verbal and non-verbal. Relationships could be built starting with a simple smile and ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ over time you maintain that relationship with simple chatting ‘How are you?’ ‘How was your day?’ Maintaining relationships happens on a day to day basis and you may not even realise you are doing so. Working in a children and young people’s setting is not only about building and maintaining relationships with children and young people but with families, parents, carers and other professionals. Sharing and gaining information is very important throughout people’s lives, it helps us to learn, adapt, work with not only children and young people, but parents, carers, colleagues and other professionals. This is an essential reason for communication for everyone. Sharing ideas ad feelings is equally as important, everyone’s thoughts are different and how one person sees an object may not be how others see it, it is important to express ideas in order to allow everyone to express their creativeness. All humans have emotions, if we do not express our feelings and needs we can become very frustrated, feel isolated or not feel fulfilled. Part of working with children and young people is to ensure children’s needs are met and their thoughts and feelings are taken into
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