Law & Legal Reasoning I: Vocabulary Quiz 2

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Cohort 8 Law & Legal Reasoning I: Vocabulary Quiz 2 Name: ______________________________________________ Please Answer ALL Questions Below! Steve wants to bring his case in state court. In general terms, he would start at the lowest level court, also known as the ____________ court. As the party bringing the case, Steve would be known as the ______________, and Steve’s opponent would be known as the ______________ . If either Steve or his opponent is unhappy with the result of the case, he or his opponent may choose to ______________ the case to a higher court. Sally wants to bring her case in federal court. In general terms, she would start at the lowest level court, also known as the ___________ court. If either she or her opponent is unhappy with the result of the case, she or her opponent may take the case to an intermediate appellate court, also known as the ______________ court (specifically in the federal court system). If Sally and her opponent are from different states and there is more than $75,000 in controversy, then Sally could bring her case in federal court based on _____________ jurisdiction. If either Sally or Steve remains unhappy with the results of their respective case, they might try to take their cases to the highest federal court in the United States, also known as the United States ______________ Court. If a litigant asks the Court to hear his or her case, what is the special term/phrase for this type of request? _______________________________________. How many justices sit in this Court? _________. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States? ___________ A trial that involves only a judge with no jury is called a __________ trial. If a party asks a court for monetary relief, that party is asking for a remedy at law that is also known as _____________. What is one example of a remedy in equity? _______________

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