Larry Mcmurtry's Crazy Horse, An American Indian Hero

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CRAZY HORSE By larry Mcmurtry Crazy Horse is an American Indian hero. He believed in traditional ways and ended up dying for his people. Crazy was born in 1840 in Rapid City South Dakota. Crazy Horse’s appearance was different from most of his tribal members. He was tall with brown, curly hair, and very light tan skin. During Crazy Horse’s early years, he would camp for days. He would leave is band of Lakota’s and go off on his own for many days at a time. He would hunt and set up camp. He also traveled to three different tribes. He would head over to the Cheyennes, Crow Creek, and Miniconjou tribes. As the settlers moved through the west, Crazy Horse would avoid all contact with the whites. As conflicts escalated in the 1850’s, Crazy Horse was still young. These conflicts established a…show more content…
The Indians were struggling and needed food. Crazy Horse felt like he wasn’t treating his tribal member’s right. He knew how to hunt and get food. He went back to camp after the tribe surrendered. Crazy refused to be imprisoned and the Crow Creek tribal police fatally wounded Crazy Horse in the back with a bayonet. No one knows the exact details of Crazy Horse’s death. Some people say he was stabbed once, some say he was stabbed twice. There are no photographs of Crazy Horse. Sketches have been created as a result of interviewing Lakota Sioux members. Crazy Horse remains a legendary hero among the Lakota Indians. Dear Abby, Do you think its okay for the whites to steal the land from the Indians? Sincerely, South Dakota Wonderer Dear South Dakota Wonderer, I don’t think it’s nice to take the land from the Indians just because there’s gold up in the black hills. It’s not nice because The Indians and the government singed treaties saying that they would not invade the land. One of the treaties that was broke was Fort Laramie. I hope this answers your

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