Lamarck's And Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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Lamarck and Darwin’s Theories of Evolution Darwin, after studying species of animals, realised that animals or plants from the same species are show variation. He also thought that there are too many of a species to survive as they are all in competition for food and space. Some animals in a population were better suited to survive than others and it is these that would breed and pass on their features to the next generation. This natural selection could make a species change over time. Darwin had explained how evolution could happen. Scientists other than Darwin saw that living things showed variation. They also saw fossils that showed changes in the species. Before Darwin’s ideas were published Lamarck- a French scientist had written a different explanation to Darwin’s using the same data. He said that the history of life was like a ladder with simple life forms at the bottom and the most complex ones at the top. He thought that animals changed during their lifetime to their surroundings and that this gets passed on to their young. Darwin’s explanation was better because it accounts for all the observations and it explains a link between people hadn’t thought of before. Lamarck’s explanation stated that nature started with simple life forma and with every generation became more complex. I f this was true then all the simple life forms would disappear eventually but since they are still here it proves that Lamarck is wrong. This didn’t account for some observations in this case- why simple life forms still exist on Earth? Since Darwin’s idea could account for these observation and also linked variation and competition together- this was a completely new concept. Lamarck wasn’t a bad scientist he just wanted his explanation to be accepted by other people for they were already against natural selection. Darwin’s theory at the time was flawed- not that his
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