Labyrinth Essay

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Fantasy in Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, morphs between eerie fairytale interpretations and a horrific reality to effectively create a film that expresses convincingly the value of imagination when faced with Ofelia’s sadistic adversaries, and that “we live in a moment where choice and disobedience are necessary” in order to survive and defend our own individuality as Del Toro decidedly . That the fantastical world opens up a new angle in which to see the real world, heightening the controlling and truly evil aspects of fascism and human desire for power. The correlation between Ofelia’s desire to rebel against the dictatorship of Vidal (and the faun) suggests a human desire to strive for independence and individuality. The imagination is one of the most unique tools utilised to achieve a better reality in both Pan’s Labyrinth and in part, the world around us. In what could be seen as a noted the director’s specific style, Pan’s Labyrinth convincingly portrays these ideas and messages with constant reference to gothic fairy tale allusions, motifs and techniques such as a combination of colour, lighting and transitional links to establish a seductively foreboding tone that both warns us as an audience and draws us further into the twisted depths of Pan’s Labyrinth. Guillermo Del Toro establishes a piece of cinematic art that traces horror right back to the essentials of our childhoods and human tradition; fantasy and fairytale. Fantasy explores our imagination within the film with freedom not readily available in the typical cinematic experience. The presence of fantasy is apparent in Pan’s Labyrinth from beginning to end. Del Toro utilises fantastical elements -commonly seen in traditional folklore- in the real world. This merges both worlds and causes them to remain inseparable throughout the film. The transformation of real creatures into fairies, and
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