Labour in the Production Process in Cdc Delmonte

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GENERAL INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Area Tiko Banana Project-Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC)/Del Monte whose headquarters is based in Tiko Sub-Division South West Region Cameroon was established in 1987 after a partnership agreement and signing of an accord between the Cameroon Development Cooperation (CDC) and an American agro-industrial company interested in banana production known as Del Monte. The name Del Monte was adopted after the partnership agreement. The partnership between these two companies started with a ten years renewable contract. This has been done twice from 1987to 1997 and 1997 to 2007. From 2007 this Ten year contract was reduced to two years contract, which continued up to 2009. In this partnership agreement, with regards to the four factors of production, namely land, capital, entrepreneur and labour, Del Monte provided the technical services, marketing facilities and finance. On the other hand, CDC provided suitable land, manpower (labour) and local logistics. Some 3000 hectares of land was given to CDC by the Cameroon government for the commencement of the agricultural industry and CDC provided the labour force. It is important to note that Del Monte paid CDC cost plus a fixed margin per box of banana exported. Effective operations by Del Monte Tiko started in 1990. The firm is very elaborate and it is headed by a Managing Director (MD) who is answerable to the General Manager of CDC. The firm is made up of six basic departments namely the technical department headed by a Project Engineer(PE), the personnel/Administrative department headed by Project Administrative Officer(PRO), the finance department headed by the Project Accountant(PA), the Production department headed by a Production Manager and finally the medical section headed by a Medical Doctor. All these departments are supervised by

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