Kozol's Analysis

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ENG 111-04 The problem that Kozol finds is the lack of knowledge that people who live in the suburban areas have about the segregation that whites and blacks still face today. Public schools are still divided into groups where whites hang out with whites and blacks hang out with blacks. People like that of Martin Luther King Jr. fought so that we may all be equal, but in reality racism still occurs everywhere and in different extremities today. As part of the solution to fix the severity of segregation, Kozol suggests that cities have cross-city busing to integrate schools. This will give blacks and whites the chance to equally share the same schooling experience. I believe that Kozol is correct with what he is saying to an extent. I do not believe that the severity of racism is that bad anymore but I do believe that it still exists. Teachers sometimes tend to expect that blacks are smart enough to take honors courses throughout their secondary education. In all actuality, I believe that some teachers just teach for the money. They don’t really care what happens to these kids after they are out of the class. They don’t put effort into providing sufficient knowledge to everyone. Then again, the severity of the matter differs…show more content…
They took schooling serious, even though Sheila had endured a limited education. This shows me that her and her family has a persevering spirit and wants the best in everything. Sheila’s cousin, Nicole, also had a great interest in learning and I personally love that she took her experience with computers and taught other people about it, and she did it when knowledge of computers was also very limited. What I like about Yolanda is that she uses music as a way of expression. This was interesting to me because I can relate to it. Music is a huge part of my life and I really enjoy it.e
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