Korean War Thesis

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War Introduction/Thesis Statement The Korean War started in June, 1950, as North Korea launched an all-out assault on the south. What was already a tense, international situation became a more formidable crisis for America, its policy makers, and the military.[1] Truman's decisiveness in committing American forces to the battle in Korea earned him renewed support from the public, and the string of victories won early on by American military forces, helped gain Truman increasing approval from his country. Both President Truman and leader of the military, General MacArthur, thought that prior to the Chinese intervention, total victory over North Korea was near. After the assault of Chinese soldiers in the mountains of North Korea caused…show more content…
MacArthur set out to sway his country and his administration into supporting his idea of war and strategy in Korea, while Truman set out to limit it. The mainstay in MacArthur’s argument for broadening the war and utilizing the multitude of resources available to the U.S. was that China was fighting an inherently weak modern war, relying mostly on ground forces and without an industry to supply those forces. He viewed Chinese forces as easily defeatable by disrupting the limited supply systems in place and creating blockades to cut off the distribution of more men. Because China could not deploy an air force or turn out a navy, it was unable to defend itself with larger munitions. Achieving a victory by utilizing tactical advantages, MacArthur felt he could achieve victory within a reasonable time. MacArthur’s objective was to simply gain defeat by forcing the Chinese to stop their attacks in Korea. Through the use of air and sea power, he believed that China would have to call for cease-fire.[10] Even the heads of the Air Force and Navy stood behind MacArthur’s belief that by expanding the war, the United Stated would win the war against China. He called on Truman to approve huge reinforcements, a wholesale naval blockade of all of China and an immeadiate bombing of the Chinese mainland. It was felt that by using a naval blockade and two long-range air groups, that the military capacity would be unaffected in Europe, an obvious concern of the Truman administration. [11] Ultimately, the use of air and naval forces were a concern of the administration and the United Nations because of the belief by these entities that by expanding the power exerted over China, it would inevitiably lead to a nuclear war. Something the Truman
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