Koone And Tojo Fight In Nazi Germany

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World War II The Nazi recovery began as a result of changes in the Nationalist Party (DNVP) after its takeover by Alfred Hugenberg. Hugenburg attempted to bring the government down by organizing a right-wing front, including the Nazis. Their denunciation of the Versailles Treaty as the source of Germany’s troubles gained then popular support as the depression and panic spread. The economic catastrophe brought the Nazis strong support from groups that would not usually have voted for them, including workers and women. The outcome of the 1930 elections was a turning point in the destruction of the Weimar Republic. With all of the growing support, Hitler challenged President Paul Hindenburg in March 1932. Adolf Hitler is still a citizen of Austria,…show more content…
There was a fight between Konoe and Tojo over the tactics of war. The date set for attack on Pearl Harbor was October 10th. Konoe stepped aside October 14th and Tojo became Prime Minister and gave an offer to the U.S.: Japan will withdraw from South Vietnam in exchange for 1 million tons of aviation fuel. U.S. and Japan start to develop different strategies and Japan chooses November 25th as the day the strike force under Adm. Chinchi Nagumo with six carriers. They leave Japan and by November 30th will head south toward Pearl Harbor. U.S. moved the command of the pacific fleet to Pearl Harbor with five carriers, seven battleships, and 19 battle cruisers. U.S. develops the “ultimate position” on November 26th: withdraw from China and recognize Chiang Kai-Shek is government of China and accept the subordination of the Emperor to the U.S. president in Pacific. Japan had six carriers and three hundred planes, set the attack for December 7 1941. The U.S. had been on full alert since November 25th and Oahu had been equipped with radar. Japan dispatched 183 planes that were 200 miles away and were detected on the radar but told it was a malfunction. The first wave came in at 7:45a.m. and hit all seven of the target ships but carrier ships were not at Pearl Harbor. Nagumo launches another attack at 9:00a.m. and finishes the battleships but does not authorize a third strike. December 8, 1941 F.D.R. goes to Congress and calls this a “Day of Infamy” and declares war on Japan. December 10, 1941 Hitler declares war on the U.S. By 1942 F.D.R is upset and wants revenge, he comes up with Doolittle Raid. U.S. takes carrier with 16 B-25s under Adm. Helsey and bombs Tokyo. May-June 1942 was the attack on Midway by Japanese. Midway is directly between The U.S. pacific coast and Japanese coast. U.S. wins the battle of Midway but both sides suffer severe

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