Komagata Maru Essay

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Essay#2 Komagata Maru “O,Canada ,our home and native land…”. Canada is one of the most countries that people want to emigrant to it. There are many reasons for why people emigrant to Canada which most of it for having better life, getting better job, and living in a peas without war. Today, Canada known as a multiculturalism country which a result of the immigration who come from everywhere in the worked, and also has equality between the citizens, and it has freedom. However, in the past Canadian history had many incidents for people who suffered from racism and how Canadian government look to them inferior. One of the incident that happened is Komagta Maru ship which the passenger were Indian, who wanted to come to Canada to emigrant and achieve their dream for having better live for them and their families, but Canadian government rejected them and forced them to went back to India. Indian people came to Canada by a steamship called “Komagata Maru” in 1914. Komagata Marui is one of the incidents that append in Canada, which shows the discrimination in all parts of the incident and robbed of human rights, and it has impact on both Indian and Canadian history in the past and present. In 23rd May, 1914, Guridt Singh who was businessman, decided to help his country people to emigrant to Canada by bought a steamship from Japan which called Komagata Maru . The komagata maru had 376 passengers (24 Muslim, 12 hides, and 340 Sikh) and most of them were from Punjab. The komagata maru traveled from Hong Kong and stopped in shanghai, Yokohama before arrived to Vancouver. The journey took 21 days in the Pacific Ocean until the 23rd of May, they landed in the Burrard Intel. When the komagata maru anchored in Vancouver, the passengers were not allowed to get a shore from the ship. The passengers did not know and understand why Canadian
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