King Lear: Edgar's Search for Justice

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In King Lear, by William Shakespeare, Edgar’s dynamic character goes through a journey for justice that changes him from a naïve boy to a wise man that has seen the world from beyond his backyard. His search for justice is founded on him learning a cruel lesson in life. This lesson is that just because you should be able to trust someone doesn’t mean that you can trust that person. This is shown through the relationship between Edmond, Edgar’s half-brother, and Edgar. Edgar believed whole heartedly in his brother’s words. Edgar should be able to trust his brother, but instead, Edmond betrays that trust by lying. This type of relationship between the two brothers shapes Edgar’s sense of justice. Edgar has a very noble sense of justice. He doesn’t treat justice the same as revenge, like some other characters do (for example how Lear wanted to hang Regan and Goneril for how they treated him). Instead, he sees justice as the truth coming out, everyone knowing he did nothing wrong, and everyone knowing what Edmund did. He also wants the same type of justice for his father; which, shows that he is selfless and has respect for his father. Instead of hurting Gloucester worse, and getting revenge for Gloucester’s mistake, when he sees that Gloucester cannot see, he helps him. This is how he serves as the foil for Edmund. In fact, Edgar goes very far to help his father. In the play, Edgar goes to extremes to get justice for him and his father. He makes physical, mental, and emotional sacrifices. Physically, Edgar has to change his body to make him look like a half-naked beggar. This involves him being cold, bruised, and tired. While in this physical condition, there are also mental detriments that have to take place too. He has to constantly stay in character. He has to be disciplined to, no matter what, stay acting like a crazy person. His emotional sacrifices
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