Kids Care Contract

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Abstract Identify components of a typical contract. The following scenario addresses potential contractual disputes involving a contract for a nonprofit organization. Please read carefully and complete a written assignment as directed below: Gerard, an events promoter and coordinator, promises to stage a concert for the benefit of Kids Care, a charitable organization dedicated to helping disadvantaged youth. In reliance on the anticipated receipts, Kids Care contracts for the construction of a residence for homeless teens. After the concert, Gerard tells Kids Care that he has decided not to donate the receipts to the organization. Is Gerard's promise enforceable despite the lack of consideration? Explain. Kids Care Contract Gerard’s promise to Kids Care may still be enforceable despite lack of consideration due to promissory estoppel. Promissory estoppel can be used to enforce a promise. It can be used when there is a promise made and the promisee relies on the promise justifiably. The promise has to be reasonably expected by the promisor. It would be reasonable to assume that Kids Care would have acted based on Gerard’s promise. If Gerard is a dependable events promoter and coordinator then it would be understandable and justifiable for Kids Care to take his word and rely on his promise. Kids care loss time and money due to their reliance on the promise Gerard made. Contracts do not always need to be written to be enforceable. This would be an example of an expressed oral contract. An expressed oral contract is a contract where the terms of agreement are fully stated in words orally and can also be in written form. In conclusion Gerard’s promise is enforceable despite the lack of consideration. Gerard made a bonding oral contract with Kids Care and can be held accountable. Kids Care would have a case in court and a legal claim to the receipts Gerard
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