Key Perspectives - Sociology

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In this essay I am going to look at the approaches to studying society and describe and evaluate competing approaches using empirical research. Although there exists a large range of different theories to explain society, such as, neo Marxism, liberal feminism, Marxist socialist feminism, black feminism and post modernism to name a few. I will be looking at four main theoretical perspectives which are the Marxists, functionalists, symbolic interactionism and the feminist perspective. Sociology can be broadly defined as the study of people and social institutions within society. Sociologists study and give analysis of all types of social phenomena and from different levels and different perspectives. They range in giving concrete interpretations to making sweeping generalisations of society and social behavior. Sociologists study everything from specific events the micro level of analysis of small social patterns to the “big picture” the macro level of analysis of large social patterns. Research is about collecting information that informs us about the question we first asked. In scientific research this is called a hypothesis. Having a hypothesis is a more formal way of asking questions, usually beginning with something specific that we want to know and enables us to ask questions in a structured way. Research techniques include, group observation, census taking, interviewing and surveys. Each will produce results that can be analysed either with quantitative or qualitative data. Quantitative research is a research method that generates numerical data and statistics. A common way of conducting quantitative research is by questionnaire, structured interviews, surveys. Answers can be scored and today it is common to use rating scales. Advantages of quantitative data is that it is manageable, it has ways of identifying and examining changes over time making
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