Juvenile Offenders Research Paper

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1 Juvenile Offenders By Jennifer Cruz CJS/221 9/1/15 Alan Hazen 2 Juvenile Offenders When one pictures a juvenile offender, it is often that of a young minority, usually African American or Hispanic. Why is that? It is because that is what is usually displayed in the media about juvenile offenders, which in turn also reinforces biased views about them. The fact is however, most of the offending youth are White. Why then, are juvenile offenders of ethnic backgrounds other than White treated in a different and more negative manner, even if their offenses are similar to that of a White person? There is simply no simple answer to this complex issue as it is within all stages of the criminal justice system. Causes and Effects of the distorting…show more content…
We explored the media and the impact it has on the conclusions may people have of minority youth, as well as other media influences that affect the way youth tend to see things related to violence. We also explored which crimes effect minority youth the most, compared to White youth. To conclude, we see that it is particularly African American youth who are more likely than any other category to be subjected to discrimination, and harsher treatment in general. They are also more likely to be involved in violent related crimes, both as the aggressor and victim, and less likely to be given sympathy in the media when they are…show more content…
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