Juvenile Life In Prison Or Parole?

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Juvenile: Life In Prison or Parole? Sentencing juveniles to life without parole is basically taking away a teens life for mistakes made in the most aggravating times of a person’s life. My opinion, feel they should be given a chance at parole by eighteen, and if not there, at least by age twenty five. The majority of the audience agreed that no life sentences for juveniles as well as no prison. They believe that it violates the eighth amendment, ban on cruel and unusual punishment. You never know what the child's home environment is, so maybe that is why they perform these actions. Juveniles should not be sentenced to life in prison for committing murder because their brain is not fully developed. From the ages of eighteen and twenty five…show more content…
Juveniles should not be sentenced to prison for life because the human brain does not fully develop until the age of twenty five. Neuroscientist have caught up and brain scans show clearly that the brain has not reached full maturity until the age of twenty five. If there has been studies that the brain is not not in full maturity then why sentence juveniles. Not life in prison, but prison later in their years should be given. If a criminal is fifteen or older, do not serve a three year sentence, only because prison would come as too much for someone at such a young age.”If you were a ten-year-old kid that committed a crime, do you think you would remember it later on and do you think you should have life in prison?“ (Dcbrocks 2009) If you wait for the time when their mind is at a “mature” enough age, obviously they will be rehabilitated. Eighteen years of rehabilitation seems long enough. Juveniles need time to heal, times can get really rough at such a young age if it has to do with family. “This is not only wrong but also ridiculous to think that a kid that is only ten or thirteen years old can be tried as an adult and possibly put in jail with forty-five year old murderers.”(Dcbrocks 2009) If the juveniles are properly rehabilitated then it may seem like a good alternative. The purpose of putting criminals into jail/prison is to rehabilitate them. “I consider that juveniles have greater possibility than adults…show more content…
Young adults become much more sensitive to peer pressure than they were earlier or will be as adults.”As teens become better at thinking abstractly, their social anxiety increases.”(Nixon 2014) You can easily persuade and adolescent by the majority vote. In the case of an adult, they already have the common sense to do what they know is right.”So even if all they do is sit around with their friends, teens are hard at work acquiring important life skills.” (Nixon 2014) The difference between teens and adults is that adults have more street knowledge rather than kids who are barely thrown into reality.”Teens are more likely to change their decisions or alter their behavior in response to peer pressure.” You cannot really alter an adults decision with peer pressure, but teens are very susceptible to that type of pressure. In the case of an adult pressuring a teen, you do not see the teen really pay attention to the “Parental figure.” “Teenagers engage in more risky behavior than adults. There are two “blind spots” that adolescents have when it comes to assessing risk that work together to increase their risk-taking behavior.” Adults have more experience assessing riskier situations than teens. Adults have a better knowledge of the streets, although teens think they know everything adults are much more intelligent. It is not your choice whose genes are inherited, the genes are given in the womb and whosoever you get, are
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