Juvenile Crime Statistics

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According to the Juvenile Arrests 2001 Report, law enforcement agencies in the United States made an estimated 2.3 million arrests of persons under age 18 (2001). Juveniles accounted for 17% of arrests and 15% of violent crime arrests in 2001 according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Most of the crimes in which juveniles committed were violent crimes. The main crimes committed were drug abuse and simple assault. In 2001, for the seventh consecutive year, the rate of juvenile arrests for Violent Crime Index offense murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault declined (2001). There has been an increased crime rate involving females under the age of 18, and minorities. Between 1994 and 2001, the juvenile arrest rate for Violent Crime Index offenses fell 44%. As a result, the juvenile Violent Crime Index arrest rate in 2001 was the lowest since 1983. From its peak in 1993 to 2001, the juvenile arrest rate for murder fell 70% (2001). During 2001, it is estimated that 202,500 juveniles were arrested for drug abuse violations. The percentage reached an astounding rate of 121% during the years of 1992 to 2001 (2006). Simple assault reached an all-time high during 2001. It was also discovered that females made up 28% of the total of juvenile arrests. The difference in the arrest rates of male and females for simple assault charges was substantial (2006). Males were only accountable for 8% of the statistics, while the females were arrested in 58% of assault cases (2006). The number of juvenile arrests primarily involved white youth. While there is a misconception that minorities are the primary juveniles arrested in crimes, 78% of those arrested were of the white race. Only 17% of the juveniles arrested were black, and only 4% of the juveniles were Asian/pacific Islander and American Indians only made up 1% of the statistics. However, it should be noted

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