Juvenile Court Process

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he court system is very complexed and the process is designed to be fair to everyone. Throughout the system there is a juvenile and adult process that one goes through when he or she has committed a crime. Different sentences are enforced on the individual, depending on his or her age. Although, one's age may be considered a juvenile if a gruesome crime is committed then he or she could face the adult process or sentencing. It is very important to know the important aspects between the juvenile and adult process. The maximum age range for juvenile offenders are from fourteen to twenty- one years of age. However, most states are set at the age range of eighteen. It varies from state to state. According to "Juvenile Court Procedure" (2012), "After committing an offense, juveniles are detained rather than arrested. Next, a petition is drawn up which outlines the jurisdiction authority of the juvenile court over the offense and detained individuals, gives notice for the reason for the court appearance, serves as notice to the minor's family, and also is the official charging document"(para 1). Moreover, juvenile offender cases are heard in family courts unlike adult cases that are heard in criminal court. In response, to all the information I provided, my opinion is that the juvenile process should definitely differ from the adult process. I think that juveniles should not receive a harsh of a process as adults because he or she are still kids themselves. More importantly, I think that it is a good thing that their records can be expunged by the age of eighteen, so that he or she could begin their adult life with a clean slate. After all, it is a learning experience of what they have
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