Judgments Faults In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Judgments Faults To judge a person by only their outer appearance is a very easy thing to do; that does not make it alright. To see someone and assume something about them is natural and comfortable to humans. This is what takes place more often than not in any society. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tells the story of a man who creates a monster that everyone who sees it, shuns it. No person enjoys being judged or thought badly of. Why, then, do people do so? The people of the old days when the earth was young had opinions of other tribes or groups that walked the earth. That was a form of judgment. The old tribes most likely had no understanding of the other tribes' ways of life. No understanding of the way things worked for the other tribes. They had their opinions just the same. Whether the opinion was correct or false is unknown and also irrelevant;…show more content…
Shelley portrayed humans as almost evil in the novel. She hit the nail right on the head when it came to reactions to something so hideous. Most people would not think before speaking or acting in a situation with a grotesque seven foot tall creature. Just as the peasants beat the creature when they discovered him conversing with the blind peasant, DeLacy; such is an example of what a modern person would do. Perhaps the man that shot the creature after it had saved a little girl from drowning would be a better example of being too quick to judge. All of the judgments seem to bring a negative effect on the judged. Frankenstein tells of the creatures payback to Dr. Frankenstein for judging his creation and not taking responsibility for it. The creature winds up killing several of the doctor's family members and his very close friend, Henry Clerval. In his search for vengeance the creature condemns himself to the internal suffering of knowing that he has taken the life of a person. The inner torment of this does not even get through the thick folds of padding that is his lust for
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