John Recabar: Personal Experience With Clinical Depression

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141007 R41 John Recabar Profile of a depressed Anna I was depressed earlier this year. Coming from a family that has a history with mental disorder - my sister’s bipolar - it didn’t come as a shock for me to be plagued by the same mental warfare that my sister underwent. My experience with depression was a brief one, having experienced it for only a lengthy week. Anna however, has been battling clinical depression for almost eight years now. Anna has been battling depression since she was ten, although she was only professionally diagnosed when she was a mere fifteen year old. The reason for her downward spiral was a close friend’s sexual harassment, and ever since that fateful night, Anna has been rendered numb. It was typical…show more content…
It’s been largely trivialised by our culture, so people end up thinking that depressed is synonymous to sad; it’s been reduced to a mood. They don’t realize how insidious it is, that it’s always gonna be there and that there’s something wrong with your brain chemicals - they won’t take you seriously until you say it’s a chemical thing.” Ultimately that is what depression is, a chemical problem. It’s biological, people have to change their outlook on depression for the stigma to fully deteriorate. When people start accepting that, I’m positive that our society will start being progressive and people who’re diagnosed won’t have to be as terrified to let people know of their condition. “A lot of people think that something has to happen for you to have depression, so it gets harder to explain that nothing happened. It just happens. I can’t explain it, but it’s also biological, there’s something going on inside my brain and it’s making me feel this way. And no matter how many times you tell me that it’s ‘all in my head, it’s chemical, we can fix it’ won’t change the fact that I feel like being simultaneously eaten and carrying so many things…show more content…
She’s a fighter who’s determined to actualize her dream to go on Junior term abroad and she won’t let this impediment dissuade her from pursuing any of her dreams. My battle with depression wasn’t as dramatic as her’s, however we both suffered severe emotional turmoil. I found it hard to accept that something was wrong, I was still subscribing to the notion that it’s all in my head, thinking that I could easily switch it all off if I tried hard enough. I did try, and it didn’t work. Telling my parents was also a problem, much like Anna who took five years before admitting to her mother that she needed professional help. It gets really bad to a point that you can’t eat anymore, sleep is nearly impossible and crying becomes

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