John Bowlby Essay

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John Bowlby (1907- 1990) was a British psychiatrist, psychologist and psychoanalyst, who is famous for his interest in child development and for his pioneering work into attachment theory. Bowlby’s theory of attachment is based on the premise that the mother – baby attachment is unique and different from any other relationship the child may have. Bowlby claimed that “mother love in infancy and childhood is as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for physical health” (Bowlby, 1951). From this, Bowlby emphasised the importance of the bond between infants and their primary carers (usually their mothers) and from this bond came attachment, between infant and mother. Bowlby’s theory also included the effect of separation on infants when they were separated from their primary carers. The effects of separation became evident as infants approach 5-6 months, when separated from their attachment figures, infants become distressed and anxious. Bowlby believed “frustration or absence can cause a child social and emotional difficulties then and thereafter” (Higher Psychology, 2009, p.98). Bowlby aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between maternal deprivation in infancy and adolescent delinquency. His research methods consisted of 88 boys who had been referred to the London Child Guidance Clinic. 44 of the boys were referred for stealing (juvenile thieves), while the other 44 had been referred for emotional problems but not thieves, to which were Bowlby’s ‘control group’. Bowlby interviewed parents from both groups to see whether or not any of the children had been separated from their attachment figure at the critical stage of their life as a child. Findings concluded that more than half of the juvenile thieves had experienced separation (McLeod, 2007). Mary Ainsworth carried out research which supported Bowlby’s theory by developing the
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