Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American Case Study

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We live in a contemporary world where high technologies develop very quickly. Often people are very busy to go shopping and telemarketing industry became very popular. Telemarketing business has many benefits. Indeed, it is convenient do not go outside, just to connect with salespeople and to order required goods or services by phone or e-mail. The order will be delivered to you very quickly. Other benefits are often promotions and big discounts. Customers can use promotions when 2 items of lovely goods can be purchased with the price of one. The Great Northern American Company is one of the biggest leaders of retail industry. It was founded in 1972. Great Northern American is oriented to provide high quality products and services to big corporation and small business enterprises, state agencies and other organizations in US and (Great North American Companies Incorporated, 2013). The company has a wide range assortment of goods for office, schools and home. Great Northern American salesmen showed great results: they retailed office supplies and other goods for more than $200 millions this year (Hellriegel & Slocum (2011). Indeed telemarketing and online retailing business are very profitable and beneficial today. With the help of on-line and TV sales companies can easily make a great revenue with minimizing of operational costs for shop premises rent and numerous employee staff. At the same time there is a very strong competition in the telemarketing industry. To make great sales and keep permanent customers, the company should meet all clients’ expectations. Often to attract and keep customers' attention is very difficult as it is required high communications and psychological skills. Joe’s Salatino employees work in the telemarketing industry. They need to understand the importance of how customers form their perceptions and make attributions. The TV and
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