Job Interview Advice for Teenagers

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Caroline Y11 Improving Your Chances Calling out to all the teens out there who are in need of advice on acing those job interviews! We have the solution for you! As you all know, nowadays companies are no longer only targeting adults to fill in job vacancies, you teens have also become targets! The truth is, the world today has come to realize that teens also have what it takes to make a career, the question is, what qualities and skills are most sought after by companies ? How can a teen like you impress those vicious looking interviewers ? Here’s how. First of all, you have to know yourself and I mean really get to know yourself. The best way to do this is to make a list of your strengths and ablities. This list will help you identify what job suits you best , but don’t forget to apply for a job that you are genuinely interested in and not just for the sake of a good salary. “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life“ as quoted by Marc Anthony. Also, you should make a list of your achievements as well to outline the things your strengths and ablities has helped you accomplish and if you need to, you can make a list of your weaknesses as well and work your way towards trying to turn your cant’s into can’s. It’s only when you truly know yourself that you know how to be confidently yourself in those interviews. After all, you wouldn’t want a company to hire you for being someone you convinced them you were because it can only get harder from there. Secondly, you have to know the job you are interviewing for. Before entering that job interview, you should know exactly what this job requires and the duties involved. For instance, if you were applying to become a math teacher and the interviewer was to ask you, “Do you know the duties and responsibilities you are expected to fulfill in this job?” and you answered “teach students maths and

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