Jimmy Carter Religion

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Summary on Jimmy Carter – Women’s Plight Perpetuated by World Religions Jimmy Carter, the former US president who is known for his post presidency humanitarian works is a Nobel peace prize holder for his contribution to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights and to promote economic and social development through the Carter Center, the center he founded in 1982 after the end of his presidency. Taken from his speech on the topic women’s plight perpetuated by world religion in June, 2013, the article spotlights the recent state of women and also clearly infers his support for the betterment of women. The author here points out where women are today in the civilized and educated world, what…show more content…
But be it in any religion, we can experience the widespread oppression upon women. In some religion, the women are forbidden of becoming a priest while in some women are made compulsory to cover their whole body including the face with ‘Burkha’, a black cloth and in some culture, patriarch works as a must and women are considered to be bound within the four walls of their houses. In the article, the former president also noted that in the early Christian Church, women used to take part but later when men took over, they began to express their opinion, which has now become almost law, that a woman is not equal in the eye of god. The human activist, Carter expressed his support by disassociating from the Southern Baptist Church along with his wife Rosalynn, as the Church prohibited ordaining women and allowing them any leadership post in local congregations. Their new independent Baptist Church has an equal number for man and woman pastors and deaconship. The support for his wife depicts the support Carter gives for human and woman rights. Also, he brought forward many social issues of oppression on women like depriving of their citizen rights, child marriage and less pay at work and also some important issues like rape and where does it land the
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