Jesus Walks of Water: Fear, Doubt & the Physical Representation of Grace (Matthew 14:22-33)

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J.K. Brister Life of Christ Bro. Bob Cornell Essay Jesus Walks of Water: Fear, Doubt & the Physical Representation of Grace (Matthew 14:22-33) In verse twenty-two, Jesus commanded His disciples like a sergeant in the military giving an order. The word “constrained” means He “firmly demanded” the disciples to enter the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. It seems that leaving their Master to cross the sea alone was a test of their faith and a teachable moment for the disciples. The question in my mind is would they trust in Him when they could not physically be in His presence as they crossed the turbulent waters or would they evidence a lack of faith and be consumed by fear? Believers are faced with the same choice. Just like the disciples, the Lord allows tests of faith not to hurt, but to build faith in the heart of the Believer. He allows or does this to show that Believers must depend on Him for everything. Believers must place their faith in Him for all their needs and see the utter insufficiency of their will power, that there is no victory to be had in their works or good deeds, but only through simple Faith in the Cross. When God chooses to test the Believer, it seems like the test comes with a good amount of character building and is designed to teach the Believer to trust in the Lord even more, when trouble is brewing. By character building, I mean building with in us the character of God. There is nothing sinners or saints can do in themselves or through sheer will power to achieve success, but the true Believer can do all things through Him that came to “take away the sins of the world” John 1:29. There will most definitely be times of seemingly unconscionable, overwhelming adversity in our lives. In these times God is calling us to depend more on Him and less on self or the flesh. Even though in the midst of these

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