Jesus Camp Analysis

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Social Psychology Extra Credit Assignment #1 – Jesus Camp Response Midway through this remarkably disturbing documentary film, Jesus Camp founder and director Becky Fischer is shown in what is presumably her own home, studying with the intensity of a college football coach preparing for his team's next game a taped version of one of the children's prayer meetings she leads. Mouth open in thrilled amazement, head shaking gently in approving self-awe, she blurts out the most unintentionally revealing line in this movie: "They [children] are so usable in Christianity." In practically the same breath, she allows that "extreme liberals" must be "shaking in their boots" to see such intense belief in children, that the evangelical Christian indoctrination…show more content…
Setting aside the dubious ability of a child so young to have any perspective of “need” or “desire” beyond the animalistic sense of the word, Levi’s explanation demonstrates how ECs turn to the rigorous social order of Evangelical Christianity as a means of dealing with their anomie without resorting to deviance per se. Levi is not alone; the film reveals “43% of Evangelical Christians become ‘born-again’ before the age of 13.” Echoing this sentiment is the documentary Turning Muslim in Texas, which illustrates how some ECs and stricter non-Evangelical Christians have converted to Islam in a search for belief system that more strictly regulates personal behaviour (Turning Muslim in Texas). The film compliments Jesus Camp by elaborating that for these converts, the benefits religion gives them in terms of norm-establishment and behaviour regulation are more important than the truth or history of the religion itself2. 2 This argument does not imply the inherent falsehood of either Christianity or Islam, only that for these converts the primary purpose of religion is to help regulate their behaviour rather than represent truth or…show more content…
Fischer tells the filmmakers that “they’re taking their kids to camps like we take our kids to Bible camps… it’s no wonder with that kind of intense training and discipling (sic) that those people are ready to kill themselves for the cause of Islam” (Jesus Camp, 11:00) and later “I wanna see young people who are as committed to the cause of Jesus Christ as the young people are to cause of Islam. I wanna see them as radically laying down their lives for the gospel as they are over in Pakistan … [because] we have the Truth!” (Jesus Camp, 11:15-11:45) In essence, she is arguing that Christianity as a culture or cultural group has insufficiently acted to reform society abroad in the image of Christian values, resulting in the liberalization or secularization of
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