Jean Piaget and His Cognitive Theories

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Chapter 2 Jean Piaget and his Cognitive Theories Of the theorists that are listed in chapter 2 of the Adult Development text, I found in reference to the different theories on childhood development I believe that I most closely related with the findings of Jean Piaget. I appreciated his natural curiosity and admired the fact that he did indeed, do the research himself. Piaget, In 1919, taught psychology and philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris. There he met Simon (of Simon-Binet fame) and did research on intelligence testing. He didn’t care for the “right-or-wrong” style of the intelligence testing and started interviewing his subjects at a boys school instead, using the psychiatric interviewing techniques he had learned before. In other words, he began asking how children reasoned. I appreciate that he did think “outside the box” and realized that their were other options to more clearly obtain his objective. His practices were highly regarded and he was referred to as “One of the most significant psychologists of the twentieth century.” by Dr. C. George Boeree. Jean Piaget was not only well known for his philosophy but also for his psychology. He authored 5 books before his death on child development. These books are as listed below: The Moral Judgement of the Child 1932 The Psychology of Intelligence 1947, in English 1950 The Construction of Reality in the Child 1937, in English 1954 The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence with Inhelder, 1958 The Psychology of the Child with Inhelder, 1966, in English 1969 Insights and Illusions of Philosophy 1965, 1971 in English In the Adult Development text we see that Piaget has developed the theory of scheme, assimilation, accommodation and equilibrium. Basically he is stating that his theory is that the children he studied were using their 5 senses from birth on to develop mental as well
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