Jealousy Comparison in Lord of the Flies and a Separate Peace

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English 22 May 2012 Jealousy Many can relate to feeling jealous, because as a human being it’s a natural feeling we have all experienced before. In the World Book Dictionary, jealousy is defined as being in an envious condition or feeling. Jealousy can rise up inside someone when they feel that they are being treated unfairly, unjustly, or unequally. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the characters Jack, Ralph and Gene all experience jealousy towards another person, and their actions, motivations, and feelings all revolve it. These characters demonstrate that jealousy is a dangerous emotion that impairs a person’s judgment and ability to make rational decisions. In Lord of the Flies, Jack and Ralph are motivated by their jealousy, and engage in a rivalry for complete over control of the boys on the island. In A Separate Peace by John Knowles, Gene is jealous of his best friend Finny, and is constantly trying to out-do him and would even enjoy seeing him fail. For both Jack and Gene, jealousy sparks mean-spirited competition and leaves both boys having to deal with the consequences of their actions. In April of 2011, a Giants fan was beaten so badly by Dodgers fans that he had to be put into a coma. Like in any sport there is always competition to win and an ongoing rivalry between teams. But as we have all experienced, sometimes it gets a little out of hand. Jealousy between the Giants and Dodgers fans that day did and left them with a tragic result. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph is chief and in charge of the boys on the island. He was elected leader by the boys, however Jack felt he should have been leader because he was head chorister back home. Initially, the boys are more supportive of Ralph because his main objectives are to keep them safe and get them rescued. The boys respect his leadership

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