Jane Goodall's Argument Against Animal Rights

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Animal Rights For many years there has been a major debate regarding animal rights. Human beings have been using animals for food, shelter, safety, clothing, and more recently for medical research. The main drawback of using animal for all these things is the way we treat them. Our cultural beliefs have changed throughout the years and we become insensitive to how we take care of the animal. As human beings we have failed in recent years to give the animals the respect and rights they deserve. If we are going to use them for medical research or for making our lives easier and safer, then we need to give them the respect that they deserve. Jane McCabe, a mother of a 9 year old girl who lives in California, the author of the article “Is a Lab Rat’s Fate More Poignant…show more content…
26, 1988. In G.H. Murray & H.S. Weiner [Eds.], To the Point, 2 nd ed. pp. 178-79. NY: Pearson/ Longman, 2009 ), she is analyzing the dilemma under what kind of circumstances we can use animals in research in order to reduce human suffering (ppg. 178). Goodall is questioning how we can find a method to solve this dilemma. She claims that, first of all we need to change our way of beliefs that animals have a major role in medical research. She begins her paper talking about her close friend David Greybeard, a chimpanzee that she met during her visit in Tanzania. Back then she had realize that animals have emotions and we need to treat them equally. She also realize in what conditions animals are kept and scientists believe that “animal testing is the only way forward for medical research” ( p. 178). For instance scientists have included chimpanzees in medical research for AIDS, which the author argues that chimpanzee’s genetic makeup is different from ours and is a shame to still use them of this kind of research. However the law requires testing all sorts of drugs on animals before is giving to human

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