Jane Eyre: a Rebellious Woman

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第 7 卷 第 11 期 Vol. 7 No.11 2010 年 11 月 读与写杂志 Read and Write Periodical November 2010 Jane Eyre: A Rebellious Woman ——An Analysis on Jane Eyre’s view of Love — 孙瑛瑛 ( 河南省信阳师范学院大学外语部 河南 信阳 464000 ) Abstract :It may be the complicated plots of a novel that fascinate its readers at first and for some time, but it its great character that makes it stay in our memory forever. Jane Eyre is such a novel. The reason why Jane Eyre holds its remarkable status in the history of English literature and ever becomes one of the most famous novels in the world is just that it successfully depicts an intelligent, faithful and brave woman who has the courage to revolt and strive for equality. Anyone who reads the novel will —— remember the female character—Jane Eyre and be very impressed by her rebellious spirit, which is discussed in this article through the analysis of her views on love. key words :Jane Eyre view of love equality sincerity 中图分类号 : I 106 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :1672-1578 (2010)11-0001-03 Jane Eyre is one of the most famous classical works in English literature history. The main reason why it achieves astonishing success is that the young woman writer charlotte Bronte unprecedented puts a young governess who is plain featured and has low social position into the center stage of the literary palace. She successfully creates an ordinary woman who dares to revolt and dares to strive for freedom and equality. Jane Eyre is an orphan and comes from a poor family. When she grows up, she becomes an intelligent and honest girl and as plain -featured as she were. She is forced to contend with oppression, inequality, and hardship. Although she meets a series of individuals who threaten her autonomy, Jane Eyre repeatedly succeeds in asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice, human dignity, and morality, she also
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