Jane and Finch Research Proposal

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The topic that I have chosen to conduct my research towards is Urban Poverty. Poverty is a generally a state that lacks material possessions and or money. Also it includes lack of basic human needs, which usually include water, food, shelter, education and health care. Due to the fact that we live in a first world country it is quite rare to believe that we have neighbourhoods that are in poverty. Thus, statistics tend to focus on the poverty within third world countries because the awareness is usually focused on third world countries. The neighbourhood that I will be focusing on is the Jane and Finch neighbourhood located in Toronto, Canada. The Jane and Finch community is highly known for being quite violent and the poverty rate is also quite high. The community itself has a bad reputation, which is why people tend to ignore the poverty and struggles that many residents are facing today. Over the years the poverty rate has been increasing immensely. Hence, I will be doing in-depth research within the community to determine the causes and effects of the urban poverty that has been occurring in the neighbourhood for many years now. Even though, I did not grow up in Jane and Finch I live close by and I have seen and heard about the struggles that many individuals face on a daily basis. A vast population of the neighbourhood are still facing urban poverty due to many dilemmas, however the lack of awareness has also been a reason why not many people know or care about the issue. I believe that the topic is an important topic to explore due to the fact that we live in a first world country and are open to many opportunities, so it’s important to make use of it. Also it’s important to know that many young children are lacking food and shelter. The amounts of starving children and elderly is an issue that must be looked into due to the fact that we are all humans
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