Jack Udall Analysis

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Jack Udall is a middle aged homophobic, racist, novelist of love stories, living in New York City. He seems detached from the world around him, a loner. There are obvious signs of anxiety, hints of depression, even Obsessive Compulsive tendencies, but outside of that seems pretty healthy. Jack keeps a daily schedule that must be stuck to strictly or it throws his entire day into a whirlwind. He is mostly always inappropriate with words, very blunt, and hurtful with others. This seems to be a defense mechanism for him to shut out the world around him and not be bothered. Whether this is due to him not wanting friends or just the fear of someone messing with his very particular life, is not known for the positive but I would side with the "schedule." I see Jack depressed as well, though he tries to hide that also. It becomes quite obvious that Jack has OCD and it has literally consumed his entire life but, Jack makes it look and seem normal he's been at it so long. The way Jack went about things and even spoke most of the time, like he didn't think before speaking, are signs of the impulsiveness of OCD. I do believe things would have been a lot easier for him if he was compliant with…show more content…
At this point, I feel individual psychotherapy as well as some group therapy. Group therapy, I believe will be ultimately beneficial for Jack due to being around others, their problems, and the realization that he isn't alone. Weekly individual therapy is mandatory, while group therapy should be worked into, taken slow, beginning with 2-3 times a month to keep Jack comfortable and compliant. At this point, I also feel keeping Jack on a dose of anti-anxiety medication is highly beneficial. His anxiety level will be balance and he will be able to function clear minded. This two can be adjusted in dosage as needed for complete gratification of

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