Jack Schaefer's Shane As A Hero

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Hero In Jack Schaefers novel Shane, actions and attitudes develop the archetype to important characters in the book, and portray them as either a hero or villain. Through his accomplishments and failures, Shane is charecterized as a hero. Shane embodies the essence of a hero on the first day he arrives, with his luxurious worn out coat, matching pants, and black dress hat; clothes to which the likes of Bob have never seen before. Shane also shows humility, a trait that many hero's, super or not, possess; Shane is down to earth and humble, and recognizes the fact that one does not have the right to take another man's life. Above all traits that Shane encompasses, the most hero-like is his selfless acts of protecting someone else; in this case the homesteaders. In Shane by Jack Schaefer, Shane has many traits that exemplifies that of a hero;such as how he portrays himself, his ability to be humble, and his protectful personality. In Shane, it is very clear that Jack Schaefer tries to indicate the motion that Shane is a Hero. When Shane first appears in the book, he is faced with a choice. "He came…show more content…
Shane exudes a formidable yet caring demeanor which is only amplified by the clothes he wears and how he takes care of himself and his belongings. Shane is selfless; he risks his life in order to get the chance of saving the homesteaders from Fletcher and Wilson , the villains in the story, even at the expense of his own safety. Shane is very humble and reliable, he admits that Joe is more of a man than he will ever be and provides comfort for Joe's whole family. Shane is the archetype of what a hero is, and Jack Schaefer did an excellent job at portraing him as one. "The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker. -Helen
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