It Would Have Been Better for Athens If Alcibiades, Not Nikias, Had Died in Sicily”. Discuss

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“It would have been better for Athens if Alcibiades, not Nikias, had died in Sicily”. Discuss. The expedition of Sicily was led by three Athenian Generals, Lamachus, Alcibiades and Nikias. Alcibiades and Nikias were prominent men in Athenian democracy and would have been aristocrats and also politicians, they also had wealth. Alcibiades was a great orator whereas Nikias was not, Alcibiades would have been more up for fighting against the Spartans when Nikias was more cautious and would have seemed to prefer a more cautious role and preferred democracy first and was worried how much expeditions would have costs the Athenian empire. This paper will examine Alcibiades and Nikias and the role they played in the Sicilian expedition. In conclusion it will explain if it would have been better if Alcibiades had died during the Sicilian expedition rather than Nikias. The Sicily expedition was recommended because Syracuse was a city of southeast Sicily, Italy, on the Ionian Sea. It was a Corinthian dominion in the eight century. But it would come to the centre of the Peloponnesian War in the fifth century BC. It had vast amounts of minerals and rich farmland and the Athenians had poor farmland and a growing population and by adding Sicily to their empire would strengthen their status and help feed the growing population. Nikias was against the expedition of Sicily he thought it would be too costly in ships and men and resources and if they lost the battle it would be damaging to Athens and they would lose the war against Sparta if they lost the Sicily expedition while Alcibiades would eventually persuade the Athenian assembly to set sail for Sicily. Alcibiades was raised by the great Athenian politician and orator Pericles, but Pericles had no time to devote any attention to Alcibiades and this could explain why Alcibiades grew up selfish. He was a courageous

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