Issues Surrounding the Recognition and Measurement of Certain Accounts from British Airways Plc

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1. Introduction British Airways plc (or BA) needs to grow in its financial performance just like any other companies, to convince its shareholders that the latter have made their correct decisions and that investors may continue to support the company should it seek expansion as the economy would allow the same. There is need to convince the decision makers on their need for financial reporting, which is governed by international accounting standards (IAs) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). This paper seeks to explore the issues surrounding the recognition and measurement of Intangibles in the financial statements of British Airways plc (2011) as governed by IAS 38. This paper will look into how IAS was possibly obeyed or violated by the company in relation to what in general a company should behave in the preparation of financial statements for users. 2. Analysis and Discussion 2.1 What are the issues surrounding recognition and measurement of elements in the financial statements? The issues surrounding the recognition and measurement of elements in the financial statements would normally pertain to those that would not comply with the requirements of international accounting standards on recognition and measurement of accounting elements. Before the accounting elements become part of the financial statements required from companies particularly the publicly listed ones, a transaction or event should comply first with the standards’ requirement on measurement. \ The accounting elements are referring to the assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses (Englard, 1995). 2.2 The accounting theory on recognition of accounting elements and IASB’s framework on recognition and measurement. The accounting theory on recognition of accounting elements requires that before assets, liabilities,

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