Islam In America Research Paper

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Islam: Muslim in America Yosmaira De Leon Devry University Professor Peter Conis Does being different makes me less? Would I suffer for being born into a hated religion? What does freedom of religion means? Islam is a world religion that has been widely misunderstood amongst the general population. There are more misconceptions around Islam then there is understanding. There is the aspect of the direct text of Islam, the practice/teaching, and the “implementation” of it, which all plays into societies views on a major world religion. I chose this topic because there are serious misunderstandings around Islam and its teachings versus its practice. People tend to associate the “context/text/faith” with situations that have occurred and the faith of those involved. It is one of the only religions that faces a lot of scrutiny publicly because of it s “seen” association with terrorism and other related world events. There are more than 8 million Muslim believers who live in America. Some seem…show more content…
Because of the way Muslims are viewed by other religions and the negative publicity the culture has gained, the media does not think twice to blame the Islam religion for everything and anything that is related to it. "You receive constant messages about how your community is full of terrorists, ignorant people, oppressive people." (Esposito, J. L. (n.d). Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam.)—How is one supposed to feel when the media has pigeonholed their culture/religion? As if they are in a dichotomy, the constant struggle for many doesn’t seem to end. With the identity crisis many experience in adolescents, the added pressure to live in a society that puts your religion constantly in a negative spotlight adds to insecurity, self-doubt, identity confusion, and feeling like they are not viewed as “true”

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