Is Suicide Can Be Criminal ?

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Is Suicide can be a Criminal Law ? (DRAFT) Last January, a young boy I used to know in France committed suicide. He committed suicide in his flat, in New York where he was studying. His family in France was distraught with grief. I was also sad about this new, but something was disturbing me. How an 18 years old boy could do something like that to his friends, family circle? Is Suicide can be punished? Can we punish a dead person because his/her act had a terrible influence on he/she family? In this brief essay, I would try to put some historical research to prove that suicide was considered as criminal in the past. In another part, I would explain how can suicide can be a crime in our current criminal law system. Suicide is the act of killing yourself, it means having the right of death in your own body, a “moral responsibility” (Stern-Gillet 1978). However, during the Antiquity, there was no word to explain Suicide. Plato’s book Laws indicates that people who commit suicide would be buried in unmarks grave. However, four exceptions already existed “(1) when one's mind is morally corrupted and one's character can therefore not be salvaged (Laws IX 854a3–5), (2) when the self-killing is done by judicial order, as in the case of Socrates, (3) when the self-killing is compelled by extreme and unavoidable personal misfortune, and (4) when the self-killing results from shame at having participated in grossly unjust actions. (Laws IX 873c-d)”. Suicide is so something unnatural and against the state. This idea of suicide characterized as a crime against the state (treason) is also used by Hobbes in his book Leviathan (1651). In the state, where the natural laws are protected, it is totally forbidden to everything that would be fatal for them, something that is “is destructive of his life, or take away the means of preserving the same.” So suicide is something
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