Is Society’s Feminism Different from Actual Feminism?

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Most people think modern society has no need for feminism because most people have a skewed perception of what feminism truly stands for. Unfortunately, the word “feminism” is commonly confused with the word “misandry:” a hatred of men, the counterpart of misogyny. The effect of this confusion is a negative connotation of the word “feminism,” producing misinformed opinions in news and social media. One example is the recent “Women against Feminism” campaign, which displays women advocating for equality of the sexes, but are somehow simultaneously anti-feminists. In a recent Fox and Friends interview, a trio of conservative republican women that call themselves the “Politichicks” further contribute to the misinterpretation of feminism in the media. These women explain that their book “What Women Really Want”, argues that feminists of today are like “cavewomen” and are “putting us back into the stone ages by wrongly sexualizing women”. They claim that "We are here with a new brand of feminism, saying drop the shackles of the old feminism… It’s time for women who really want to be women, who want to be feminine, who want to be what God designed them to be… They want less government in their lives, they want to make their own decisions, and they want freedom to choose for their children and their families. That's what women really want. And they also want real men. We love real men." (Murrell, Brittany and Loudon). These interpretations of feminism give modern society more than enough reason to dismiss the movement as radicalism. But what if the media isn’t painting the entire picture on the subject of feminism? Though the media gives people the impression that feminism is a radical movement that is unnecessary to society, issues like sexual assault, domestic violence and discrimination show that feminism is important not only to women but to everyone. Blog writer

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