Is Odysseus Truly Loyal to Penelope?

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Is Odysseus truly loyal to Penelope? What is the ideal idea of loyalty? Odysseus, king of Ithaca, seems to have a different idea of loyalty than the general one. His loving wife Penelope stays loyal to him through the book but was odysseus truly loyal back? Throughout the Odyssey Odysseus portrays unloyal acts towards penelope, sleeping with other women, thing he says to other people, and staying places longer than he needs to throughout his journey home. Odysseus portrays being disloyal to Penelope through how he sleeps with other women throughout his trip. In this text Odysseus describes how he and his men invade a city and use the citys possessions and women, “There I sacked the city,/ killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder,/ that rich haul we dragged away from the palace-/ we shared it round so no one, not on my account,/ would go deprived of his fair share of spoils”(Homer 9 45-50). Odysseus uses the women just as he uses the possessions. Odysseus didn’t have to keep those women and use them he could have just killed him as he did the men. He had other intentions instead of just killing them he used them for his crew and his own enjoyment. They were a prize for winning over the city such as the plunder was. Another instance where Odysseus sleeps with other women is when he is about to leave Calypso’s island, “the sun set and the darkness swept the earth./ And now, withdrawing into the caverns deep recesses,/ long in each other's arms they lost themselves in love”(Homer 5 48-51). Here Odysseus sleeps with Calypso the night before he leaves. He already is allowed to leave yet he stays that night and sleeps with Calypso. Odysseus did this not because he had not choice, but because he wanted to. This happens again when Odysseus and his crew are at Circe’s place and he agrees to sleep with Circe, “At last I mounted of Circe’s gorgeous
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