Is Genetical Engineering Ethically Right?

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Is genetic engineering ethically right? The 21st century is the DNA age; scientists now have the ability and knowledge to be creative in modern day science and modify a gene, whether this being a human, animal or plant. The DNA is made up of sections which are the genes. Scientists are able to deliberately transform, manipulate and create organisms in order to make a specific gene perform better. The artificial gene is then replaced into the mechanism of the human, plant or animal with the hope of correcting the ‘faulty’ gene. The reason usually for this is to help control or cure a genetic disorder that may be preventing a human or animal from being healthy or a crop from growing correctly. Behind the purpose and needs of genetic engineering are Ethics. Ethics is the study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy ( Ethical theories surround genetic engineering, contributing to people having opinions with regards to the different forms of GE. These opinions are varied and usually supported within certain societies or organisations. Ethics occur every day in everything we do. This is shown in a way that people do things in different ways and for different reasons. One of the main areas of genetic engineering is genetic manipulation of human cells, known as Human Cell Therapy. Around 40 years ago two scientists James Watson and Francis Crick (1980) of the Medical Research Council discovered that there were more than 3000 medical disorders that could develop within the human body as a result of errors in the individuals DNA (Medical Discoveries, Genetic Engineering). This included illnesses and diseases such as Sickle Cell Anaemia, Huntington’s, and Cystic Fibrosis to name a few. Human Cell Therapy enables scientists to provide sick people who are lacking a
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