Iron Lady Movie Essay

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The Iron Lady One weakness of this movie was the confusion between flashbacks and real time. At the beginning I did not realize Margret was suffering dementia therefore, I had no idea why the flashbacks were happening. I think another weakness of the movie was that it did not focus much on Thatcher’s rise to power or her time in office. It was like all of a sudden, she was Education Secretary then Prime Minister. I felt the movie should have focused more on her early life and not her current self, becoming more senile. I knew nothing about Thatcher before watching this movie and I feel like all I know now is that she believed in action and was very stuck in her ways. The large focus on the Falkand Islands incident makes it seem as if that was her biggest accomplishment, but I have no idea if it was or was not. I thought I would be seeing a movie that showed her time in office and a majority of her accomplishments, but that was not the focus of the movie. I really felt the movie should have had more focus on more aspects of her political career than just a small and rather boring overview. One strength of the movie was an aspect of the flashbacks. Once I understood how the flashbacks worked, it was interesting how Margaret’s memory loss took over her life. Although it was sad, I feel like the directors were clever in showing the memory loss even if they did not execute it in the best way possible. The best strength of the movie was, without a doubt, Meryl Streep’s performance. She was fully in character and made me feel like I was truly watching the real Margaret Thatcher. She was absolutely brilliant throughout the entire movie, her strength never wavered. Streep’s performance made the movie so much better and more enjoyable. I do not know much about Thatcher and what she did in her life, but this movie, mainly Streep, seemed to do a good job in portraying

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