Ipperwash Essay

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The Ipperwash crisis was not just that fateful night about sixteen years ago, rather it was a certain point that stood out on a time line of struggles between the Stony Point natives and the Government. The man who died that night had an older brother named Sam George, and he perseverance like none other, as he pressed for the ancient land to be returned before Iperwash crisis, he tried to negotiate leading up to and after the crisis, and he filed a lawsuit against the Mike Harris Provincial Government. In 1943, Clifford George of Stony Point came home to nothing, and after "sleeping in a ditch" (Ch. 2) for the night he found out the populace had been moved within a day to rival Kettle Point reserve, a short distance away, as the Government, under the War Measures Act, was creating the a military base there, but promised land back. The Stony Pointers refused the offers but the Canadian Government appropriated them. Sam George, like the other Natives of Stony Point wanted thier land back when in 1993, the government still used the military base for Cadet training where Natives rightfully claim a burial ground lays (this was proved in an archaeological study in 2010 [Government Archives website]), and along with a small group of Stony Pointers the military base became occupied. The Natives stayed outside in tents and the officers there were just just told to continue with thier duties. One day, after a century of waiting to get their land back the Stony Pointers drove a bus through a wall of one the buildings in which no one was injured in the slightest. The military 'got the idea' and left. This led up to the night of September 4, 1995 where Sam George, who had seen the tensions coming along with his Chief Mercredi, tried negotiating ovee violence. He persevered through all that had happened, his ancestors had trusted the government for a century on the basis on an
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